Katie's Cookbook

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Joseph funnies

Joseph: "Mom, the Bishop's in love with you "

Friday, September 06, 2019

Joseph the protector

Today Joseph was in the kitchen and a jar of BBQ sauce fell out of the fridge and broke. He was so worried about baby Lewis that before he came to get me he built a barricade out of the benches and chairs in the kitchen to make sure that Lewis couldn't get past and get hurt on the broken glass. and he ran upstairs to get me and told me I needed to hurry because there was broken glass but to not worry because Lewis couldn't get to it because of the fort he had built. It was so cute and he sincerely loves and wants to protect his brother.

Emilygrace funnies

I was on the table and I fell and my body got broken, but it's not now. I'm not on the table now. It's not. It's not now. It's not broken.

Lewis says ta-too

Lewis loves to eat. He eats almost anything I put on his high chair tray. the other day I fed him a jar of baby food a bowl full of mush and then I filled up a bowl full of pasta salad to feed to him. As I sat down to feed it to him he said very"Tay-too" (Thank you). This was the first time I've ever heard him say this. he says Mama a lot and once in awhile he will say one of the kids names. He had this big excited grin and he was saying thank you even before I fed him his third serving of dinner. Funny boy!

Thursday, September 05, 2019

Emilygrace being the mom

Emilygrace wanted me to walk up stairs with her today oh, but I was busy working in the kitchen. She started persuading me to come up with her. Finally she said, "if you come up, you can take a nap." In a sing songs voice that copied mine completely when I am trying to convince her to do something. I guess she knows the right carrot for her mom. That's one clever 3 year old.